Cold Connection

Cold Chain Success at the Virtual Innovation Program

The Virtual Innovation Program, which concluded on Tuesday, November 10th, attracted over 660 cold chain professionals from more than 20 countries to participate in the program. The program also saw over 40 companies host B2B meeting suites in order to network with colleagues. These suites offered attendees the opportunity to meet with industry leaders and learn about a number of products, services, and different technologies and equipment.

Over the course of the last five weeks, close to 50 education sessions were held as well as 5 roundtable discussions. Cold Chain Education Essentials were led by cold chain professionals and offered attendees important information regarding the future of cold chain systems, including warehouse automation, COVID-19 updates, and government affairs insight, among many others. Several of these sessions offered opportunities to earn Professional Development Hours (PDH) that could be used to fulfill certification renewal requirements for the Refrigerated Engineers and Technicians Association (RETA).

The Virtual Innovation Program was a combination of different GCCA events. The IARW-WFLO Convention and the GCCA Cold Chain Conference & Expo as well as the CEBA Conference & Expo and the GCCA Latin America Cold Chain Congress were all run virtually as part of VIP. Registered attendees may still access recorded sessions through the Sessions of Demand tab in the VIP platform. All recorded sessions will be available to attendees on the platform until December 10th, 2020. After this date, these sessions with be available on the GCCA website.

Not an attendee, but want to watch a session? You can still register.

November 09, 2020


Virtual Innovation Program
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